Tuesday 10 February 2015

Hair Journey Feb 2015

Hmmm I have not been very good or punctual in updating my blog.  I promise to do better. So what has happened since my last blog.  Well I enjoyed the summer and had my natural hair in twist outs and braids, hardly did any protective styles.  I have not tried out any new products as I still have my old ones.  My products tend to last long as I wash my hair every 10 to 14 days.  I tend to use water as a moisturizer and seal it with olive oil.  I find that this combination does not give me any build up and I can stay longer with out washing my hair. However, i do not always put the EVOO after spritzing my hair with water...  I will doing the below treatment and will report on it on my next blog.  

In this journey I would like to share knowledge as well.  So here goes this months input:
1. For Manageability – Bananas, olive oil, glycerin, and honey
This homemade conditioner improves the manageability of hair for post-rinse styling. The secret is in the banana, which has a way of minimizing shrinkage and softening the hair when mixed with the other ingredients. Meanwhile, glycerin and honey, which are both humectants, and olive oil, which is known to penetrate the hair, all contribute moisturizing benefits. You may notice a loosening of your coils or curls with this conditioner; the effect is temporary until your next wash day. This recipe is ideal for naturals who want to achieve easier blow-outs or better stretched styles.
1 large overripe banana (sliced) 

4 tbsp
extra virgin olive oil
2 tbsp pure
vegetable glycerin
2 tbsp
pure honey

Place the sliced banana,
extra virgin olive oil, glycerin, and honey all in a blender. Blend the ingredients thoroughly making sure no lumps or banana bits remain. (Depending on your blender quality, you may or may not have to then sieve the mixture. Apply to hair and let sit for 30-45 minutes under a shower cap. Detangle, rinse thoroughly, and style as usual.

Hair Journey month May & June 2014

Hi Everyone

Welcome to my Blog!  Very new to this hopefully I will get the gist of it!  Anyway, a little about myself and why the natural hair journey.

I am a native of Kenya currently living in The Netherlands.  I started my serious natural hair journey in January 2014.  I did not do a big chop as I already had natural hair, however I had no clue on what to do or how to take care of it.  My routine would be wash it with harsh shampoos, put conditioner, then blow dry and flat iron!!!  Even though my hair was natural, i did do the Brazilian blow out and we all know what that means!!  Basically my hair was fried for a year!!! ooooh the thought of that gives me the shivers..  Anyhow as from January 2014, i put the flat irons away and did as much research as I could find on the net and youtube.  Found some lovely natural hair ladies, who i would like to give a shout out to and thanks to, Naptural85, Curlynikkic Charygray and many many more.  Through these ladies I have gained a lot of knowledge and have applied most of their advise.  I have decided to start this blog  mainly because even though there is a lot of information and videos on hair journey, i have searched for a more detailed blog or video on a day to day or month to month journey, with trials and tribulations, failed attempts and how they over come them  and could not find one.  So i have decided to do exactly that.

Right now today 29th of May 2014, i am currently testing out shea butter leave in conditioning cream and using Andrelon leave conditioner and for the oil sealants I have mixed castor oil, wheatgerm oil and coconut oil, i will also use these oils for hot oil treatment.  For the butter mix, i will again be using my own mixed butter made of shea butter, coconut oil, olive oil and avocado oil.   For May and June, my routine will involve bi monthly co washing with homemade ACV (apple cider vinegar).  The last two weeks of June I will put on a protective style. short Senegalese twists made from Marley hair.

I will update at the end of the second month.  Till then ciao!